Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What I think of Khan’s ideas now that I have read a bit more on his work and seen a movie that relates to the topic is that Herman Khan is a nuclear war optimist. What I mean when I say this is that Khan has a somewhat can do attitude. The book he wrote, On Thermonuclear War seems to make or paint the picture that life after a nuclear attack would be bearable and that some how humanity would be able to overcome the tragedy. I still find his ideas hard to analyze. The ideas of having a possible and even very, very probable nuclear war make some of his comments a bit hard to deal with and come to understand. For me it is sickening to think that humanity would be willing to reach this point of destruction and complete death just because two super powers viewed things differently.

Something that I would like to know more about would be to research the level of dialogue and communication that both countries had between each other.

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