Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Compare The Thing with The Day the Earth Stood Still. Based on the text and the categories we discussed in class, which one is more conservative and the other more liberal/progressive? Why? Are they critical of the same things or different things? Support your answer from scenes in the movie and/or ideas from the text.
The movie the day the earth stood still, is different from the thing in their political point of view. The thing for example is very patriotic, republican, and anti diplomatic. In the movie The thing killing the monster is the only option. Also the point were diplomacy was given a chance just failed. This happened when the scientist tried to reason with the monster. In contrast with The thing, The Day the Earth Stood Still is democratic and very open to dialog. The alien wanted to talk to all of the representatives of the world to warn them about the fate of the earth. It is also democratic in the sense that it shows how irrational people were in judging the alien. It gives the enemies point of view and makes out of the foreign treat the hero. The movie the day the earth stood still is very liberal it welcomes literally, alien ideas and makes out of them, the more rational answer. The film shows the inflated level of paranoia and hysteria people had. Just when the alien got out of his ship they responded by shooting him. The whole movie is based of thinking rationally with consideration, unlike the thing where the only answer is to kill the threat.

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