Thursday, May 21, 2009

Today in seminar we debriefed the movie the day the earth stood still. We discussed if the film was a liberal film or conservative. I concluded that the film was liberal and democratic the reason , why I think is democratic is because it has much more dialog than any other alien movie we have watched. In seminar we discussed if the movie was pro detente or if it was more totalitarian or*8*uGku9q3JQdHo65ORYbfXZLDaC6Yhx*c83zBw97SinnKvY/earth_stood_still.jpg*8*uGku9q3JQdHo65ORYbfXZLDaC6Yhx*c83zBw97SinnKvY/earth_stood_still.jpg

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Compare The Thing with The Day the Earth Stood Still. Based on the text and the categories we discussed in class, which one is more conservative and the other more liberal/progressive? Why? Are they critical of the same things or different things? Support your answer from scenes in the movie and/or ideas from the text.
The movie the day the earth stood still, is different from the thing in their political point of view. The thing for example is very patriotic, republican, and anti diplomatic. In the movie The thing killing the monster is the only option. Also the point were diplomacy was given a chance just failed. This happened when the scientist tried to reason with the monster. In contrast with The thing, The Day the Earth Stood Still is democratic and very open to dialog. The alien wanted to talk to all of the representatives of the world to warn them about the fate of the earth. It is also democratic in the sense that it shows how irrational people were in judging the alien. It gives the enemies point of view and makes out of the foreign treat the hero. The movie the day the earth stood still is very liberal it welcomes literally, alien ideas and makes out of them, the more rational answer. The film shows the inflated level of paranoia and hysteria people had. Just when the alien got out of his ship they responded by shooting him. The whole movie is based of thinking rationally with consideration, unlike the thing where the only answer is to kill the threat.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Today we had a seminar discussing the movie The Thing and an over view of the text Look to The Skies. During our seminar we discussed many things such as gender roles, the roles of the main characters, and the historical links that could be made. In the handout it mentioned that gender roles are according to the theme of the movie it could promote them or discourage them. In the case of The Thing it promoted gender roles. One of the main points of discussion was the role that the main characters of power played in the movie. In seminar we agreed that the lieutenant and the scientist were the two figures of main power. The reason why they are the characters of power is because the lieutenant made all decisions and the scientist challenged his orders. The lieutenant seems to be the anti diplomatic, get rid of your enemy type of guy. In contrast the scientist is the one that wants peace and agreement with the visitor. In seminar we discussed what was the purpose and point of view of the movie. We came up or painted the idea that the movie is conservative and anti détente. The reason for this is that thought the movie the visitor is seen as a hostile, blood thirsty, irrational, character. Even if the visitor is smart and capable of extraordinary things, it is still irrational. At the end the visitor is shown to be such a brute that it hurts the only person that offered it friendship and dialogue. What this shows is that if you and your enemy are so different don’t try and talk to it because it is just use less. In the other hand the heroes of the movie try and stop the monster they don’t want to talk to it, they seek to kill it. The movie creates a scenario and gives such vile characteristics to the creature that the only true option is to kill it. This one-way scenario makes the scientist look stupid, and the lieutenant, as a rational logical hero.

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father of scientific management Frederick Winslow Taylor

Monday, May 18, 2009

In the movie the thing, the authority / experts of the film are the lieutenant and the scientist. The reason why they are the main characters of power is obvious. The lieutenant commands and runs the small base also he has the highest military rank, it being a air force base, it is obvious he was in charge. In addition he took all major decisions. The reason why the scientist holds a position of importance is because, he is the only one that challenges the lieutenant. The scientist also has the more controversial idea. He is the biggest scientist of all the present and even won a Nobel prize. What the movie does with these figures of authority is that they place the leaders in situations where they are or could be responsible for the safety of others. A good example where a decision was made was when the lieutenant chose to kill the thing, this decision was very important. In conclusion I think that the leaders of the film are given great power to shape the future in the film. The power presented to them is present thought the film.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
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